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Andrew Eagan

Rugged Handheld OS Report

Consumers in the market for new handheld mobile computers have begun to convert to a new operating systems for their mobile technology as a reaction to Microsoft's announcement that Windows Embedded CE 6.0 & 6.5 end-of-life dates. Yes, the end-of-life dates a still a few years down the road, but organizations have been moving to generation platforms that their user are familiar with on their phone. In a recent study by VDC Research, more and more organizations have been leaving Window Embedded platforms behind and have been migrating to Android or Windows 10 operating system.

Before making the switch, it is important for the organization to discuss their IT Development strategy for a new application and whether it is time to move their data to the Cloud. If your organization has a 3rd party software package, it is important to ask them about their strategy for their application and determine if it aligns with your IT blueprint.

Important Questions to ask yourself for developing a mobile strategy:

1.) What do we have today? Review current software & hardware

2.) Do we have a stand alone app or web-based app?

3.) What platform are we looking to move to?

4.) Do we have development resources to help migrate our app to a new OS?

5.) Where do we want to store our data? Server? Cloud?

WNS works with clients to help them develop their mobile handheld strategy and move them to a next generation platform. Recently, WNS has release our latest version of Inspector+ an Android based inspection and maintenance tool hosted in Microsoft Azure. With development resources to help rewrite the application and move to the Cloud, WNS is your total-solution provider from hardware to software.

To learn more about development resources that are available that you could utilize in porting your application to a new operating system or moving to the Cloud, contact WNS by e-mail or call 952-249-1999!

Follow us on Twitter at @WNS_Tech to keep posted about new product offerings and events.

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